
Free Pinellas LLC

Certified Naturally Grown (more info)

I have been growing since 2008 and only recently began to work on becoming a self-sustaining grower since August of 2013. I was a listed grower with the original Suncoast Co-op until its dissolution. I grow food because it is something that everyone needs so it is a skill that everyone can benefit from.

My growing methods are natural, but not certified organic due to the fact that I use mulch from public recycling which can contain inorganic materials. I compost food and yard waste mainly to enrich the soil. I do not use any chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides to control the plants. Instead I research various plants that can encourage beneficial predator insects or repel harmful pests. I will pull weeds to be composted in selected areas to encourage plant growth and decrease competition for nutrients. I use various sources of natural nutrients as fertilizer which includes food waste and wood ash.

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